Organic cotton girls dress

 Recycle Your Old Jenerous Clothing

We launched Jenerous Pre-loved in 2021 as a way to lengthen the life of our clothing. Why not help us to extend the life of your Jenerous clothing and reduce potential landfill, by sending us your old Jenerous clothing. We will then re-sell items as part of our Pre-loved collection and donate the profits to our charity projects. Together we can have a positive impact on people and the planet.

The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world and many of our clothes end up in landfill. In the UK it is estimated that £140 million worth of clothing goes into landfill each year. (WRAP)

As we move to being a circular fashion brand we support re-use, recycling and extending the life of garments, which therefore prevents landfill and reduces the need for new fabric and clothing to be manufactured.

We’ve signed the 2020 Circular Fashion Pledge, joining with other brands on a mission to change the fashion industry. We’re committed to offering our customers an option to send-back their used items.

Circular fashion | Jenerous has signed the 2020 Circular Fashion Pledge

How It Works

We encourage our customers to return Jenerous items that they no longer need or want. This may be because they don't fit, or simply due to a wardrobe update or change of circumstances. We’re aware that this is particularly relevant for our girls dresses, and have first hand experience of how quickly children grow!

If you have a Jenerous item that's in good, re-sellable condition, that you would like to return to us, please contact us at and we’ll be in touch with more information.

We will then re-list the item on our website at a reduced cost, very much like a charity shop, and donate all profits from the re-sale to our charity projects.

In return, we'll send you a 25% discount code to use if you would like to purchase something new.